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First Stop for all students and staff working inside the BDU Disaster Response Science Masters Program

Welcome!  Technical Instructions, Program and Course Information

This section is to explain the Bahir Dar University Master of Science Degree Program in Disaster Risk Science and Sustainable Development (DRSSD)

BDU Disaster Risk Science & Sustainable Development Masters Program

Link to all BDU DRSSD First Semester Courses

Semester 1 Course 1:DRS Conceptual Foundations

Course Professor: Lezlie Moriniere, Dr. Muluneh Yitayew, Tim Frankenberger

Course Objectives: Course 1 sets the stage for the entire Masters Program in Disaster Risk Science and Sustainable Development. In Module 1 you will master risk terminology, trends, frameworks, theory, models and management systems. Because Risk is a function of both Vulnerability and Shock, the following modules will focus on these two concepts. In Module 2 you will explore vulnerability through the concepts of livelihood, resilience, coping and adaptation. In Module 3 you will learn about all types of shocks: climate change, geophysical hazards (floods, landslides, drought, degradation, etc.), socio-conflict and health / pandemics. With each shock, both causes and consequences will be discussed alongside case studies.

BDU Disaster Risk Science Masters Program

> Link to all BDU DRS First Semester Courses

Semester 1 Course 1: Political and Institutional Environment

Course Professor: Lezlie Moriniere, Dr. Muluneh Yitayew

Course Objectives: This course lays the foundation for a strong understanding of policy, standards and actors in the humanitarian arena. It will start with the international level, then move to the African and regional contexts. The last two thirds of the course will focus specifically on Ethiopia, ideally guided by national leaders and experts.

Link to USAID RM Portal

Link to all BDU DRS classes

BDU Disaster Risk Science Masters Program

An Introduction to Sustainable Development: Theory and Practice

Course Professors:Tim Finan, Lezlie C. Morinière, Tim Frankenberger

Course Objective

The objective of this course is to provide a sophisticated understanding of the complex issues that surround sustainable development.